How can you Increase the Page Views and reduce the Bounce Rate in WordPress?

Every website owner just focuses on creating content and ways to draw traffic on his WordPress blog. However, the visitors on a blog website depends merely on the quality of content provided by the website owner. When your visitors leave your blog just 1 or 2 seconds of visiting, then it may add to your website’s bounce rate. This, in turn, leads to diminished pageviews for each and every website visit. Ultimately, your overall ads revenue will get disturbed and affected with all this. 

In this tutorial, we will get to know the tips and tricks which may found to be useful for increasing your website’s pageviews. Before heading over to the tips, you all must know what bounce rate and pageviews exactly are. So, let us begin with that only. 

What is a Bounce Rate? 

The percentage of visitors who, after landing to your website, leave your website without continuing their journey to further information or pages, is called Bounce Rate. If your website has a high bounce rate, it means that you cannot convince your viewers to take action or simply just stay on a page. 

Your website can get an increased bounce rate when your visitors: 

  • Clicks the back button 
  • Closes the window or tab 
  • Types in another URL
  • Gets a session timed out notification (Though the reason of this is hosting error)

However, all the people leave website. And leaving website is completely okay because this is the way visitors navigate the whole web. And hence, there is good and bad both types of bounce rate. 

Good bounce rate signifies that your website visitors get adequate information from your website and have a good user experience. It counts into a bad Bounce rate if the visitors leave very quickly after landing on any of your website’s page. 

What is a Page View? 

Page View is basically a request which is sent by website user for loading of any page of your website. And, any website owner keeps a track of all this data with the help of Google Analytics. 

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Why do these figures matter? 

If the purpose of your website or blog is to monetize through the banner ads, then the page Views will matter for you. And if, you want to set up an audience base, then the bounce rate matters for you. Moreover, the lesser bounce rate will lead to better ad eCPM or CPC i.e. Cost Per Click. And when that user goes to another page, then the ad provider will show them a better ad which will serve you too with higher CPC or eCPM. 

But remember always, all this works only when your content is up to the mark and is valuable to your readers. 

Getting started with the Tips to Enhance Pageviews and Reduce Bounce Rate

  1. Interlink all your Blog posts: This method always works for increasing your page views. Every time if you interlink your posts inside the content of posts, you will see a spike in the page views. You can easily interlink your posts in WordPress by just searching for a post when you are adding links. Such interlinking gets to be very useful when you have numerous posts on your website. 

If you are a beginner, you might be a bit limited with its applications. But, with time, you will get to know that there are plugins also which interlink the keywords automatically in WordPress. Not only you can enhance the pageviews and reduce bounce rate with interlinking, but also interlinking helps your website with SEO.

  1. Mention the related posts after every post: If you will tell your visitors about what they should do next, it will naturally make them leave the website. So, you should mention a short list of your “Popular posts” or “Related posts”. It will keep them busy with your valuable content and they will stay on your website for longer time. 

You can do it with the help of plugins also which automatically pick some related posts and shows the on your specified position. 

  1. Display the Excerpts on your Front or Archives Page: If you do this, it will have 2 advantages on your website basically. First of all, it will help in reducing the page loading time. Secondly, it will help in enhancing the pageviews. One should never display any full post on the archive page or front page. If you have added 25 images in a post, it will take longer time to open, while excerpt with 5 images will take lesser time and the visitor will not leave the website. 
  1. Split up the lengthy posts: If you are working on a content which is upper long, then here is a tip for you too. You should use the tag <!-nextpage-> of WordPress in your blog post. It will split the post into various pages. However, one should be super attentive while doing this because not providing adequate amount of content on one page will make your website visitor pissed and he will leave your website. 
  1. Interactive Sidebar: Sidebar can also help you in reaching your goals of bounce rates and pageviews. You can show the popular posts of your website on the sidebar. You can customize it the way you think it would be beneficial for your readers. 

To sum up

As we know it is very important to drive a significant traffic to your website in order to stand out in the web crowd. So, the ways which we have discussed above will be useful for you to grab that much pageviews to your blogs and will also reduce the bounce rate. 

In addition to this, you can provide them a follow up when they leave your website. You can sum up push notifications or create your website’s email newsletter. It will also help in enhancing the overall performance of your website. 

We hope this article helps you!

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